
2016-08-01 982
Gaijin 娱乐透露关于中队战斗的赛季系统的重要信息。一年分为六个季度,每个季度持续约两个月。每个团队将在赛季初开始新的统计数据。新的奖励也已添加,包括顶级球队金雕,带有新装饰的家族标签,独特的贴花等。
War Thunder : Seasonal Squadron System Introduced
Gaijin Entertainment has revealed the first information about the full-fledged seasonal system for squadron battles. There will be six seasons for year, each lasting approximately two months. Each team will begin new stats at the beginning of the season. New rewards have been added for participation, including Golden Eagles for the top teams, new decorative clan tags, unique decals.
The top 100 squadrons per season will also be given a special regalia award that identifies them as a member of a winning team. Regalia remains with a player forever, whether or not they stay with their squadrons.
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