《星际大战》 银河联盟团队寻找优秀志愿者

2016-08-03 526
作为一个志愿者,SWGEmu不断地寻找新的社区成员能够挺身而出协助和支持社区。如果你是以一个swgemu职员,有责任心,有目标并对这项工作感兴趣,我们鼓励你去申请swgemu EC /责任/支持培训计划。
电子商务的swgemu /客服/支持培训计划的目的是通过介绍社区成员的swgemu员工 不同方面 职责,而给他们提供一个 发展亲密的关系 的机会,并最终加入swgemu队伍。
The Star Wars Galaxies EMU team is looking for a few good folks to keep the project up and running. These are volunteer positions mainly based in the community and support branches of the team. The blog post details some of the requirements, or considerations, for applying for the job so head over and see if you qualify!
    As a volunteer project, SWGEmu is constantly looking for new community members to step up and assist and support the community. If you are interested in taking on the responsibility of an SWGEmu Staff member to further our goals, we encourage you to take the time to apply for our SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support training program.
    The SWGEmu EC/CSR/Support training program is designed to introduce community members to different aspects of the duties and responsibilities of the SWGEmu Staff, while giving them a chance to develop a close relationship and eventually join the SWGEmu Staff team.
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