《激战2》四周年纪念 粉丝可参与社区活动

2016-08-10 1010
《激战2》截止到8月28号已经四周年了,开发者将会到社交媒体上面和众多粉丝 分享关于游戏内容让自己最影响深刻的或者喜爱的回忆。玩家还被#GW2BDay邀请在推特或者微博上发表分享自己的回忆。
最后,在8月26日,世界各地的粉丝们都可以在《激战2》 twitch.tv频道收看这场特殊的庆典直播。
Guild Wars 2 will be turning four years old on August 28th and ArenaNet devs will be heading to social media to share some of their favorite memories of Tyria. Players are also invited to share their memories by using #GW2BDay on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram.
On September 2nd, PAX attendees can attend a community event and hang out with the development team while sharing a meal. A pass will be required so head here.
Lastly, on August 26th, fans around the world can check out a special celebratory live stream in the Guild Wars 2 Twitch.tv channel.
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