《剑灵》更新带来全新职位 武器也有所变化

2016-08-12 784
he  Blade & Soul site has been updated with a new post to let players know of forthcoming changes to the weapons upgrade system. Evolution costs for Silverfrost weapons will be reduced by 30% along with greater opportunities to collect Moonstones. New weapon paths will further reduce weapon upgrade material costs by another 50%, though requiring a new offering weapon, a new upgrade material and Faction Insignias.
The post goes into detail about where the new materials can be found and introduces the fact that Silverfrost Refining Stones will be account bound but cannot be traded.
    We’ve also heard your requests for additional Moonstone sources, and so we’ll also be adding more locations to earn them, and we’ll be providing more info on those sources as we get closer to the upcoming content release. We also want to make sure you can help gear up your alternate characters more quickly, and so we’ll also be making Siren Emblems and Pirate Emblems account-bound in the same update. More details on the new Moonstone locations, other exciting changes, and our next content update will be announced soon, and we’re currently targeting to release the update near the end of August.
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