
2016-08-17 638
《风暴英雄》宣布新增一个全新的星际争霸为主题的模式,称为战争机器,玩家会看到两个新的英雄进入的游戏关卡,还有新的皮肤,坐骑以及新的地图等等,无论是星际争霸为主,还是以机器为核心,都是一个叫Warhead Junction和一个叫Braxis Holdout之间的战斗。
Heroes of the Storm will be getting a new Starcraft-themed event called Machines of War that will see two new Heroes enter the Nexus, new skins, mounts and more. Two new maps, both Starcraft oriented, will be the centerpiece of Machines, one called Warhead Junction and one called Braxis Holdout.
To show off Machines of War, a new trailer has been released that you can check out below.
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