Chronicles of Elyria曝光新宣传视频

2016-08-22 1483
想要立刻知道《Chronicles of Elyria 》的最新情况吗 ,那么,看起来不超过四分钟称为“泰坦”的草原的视频值得大家点击浏览。这是一个梦幻般世界,看看作为一个字符如何记录运行进步,在山区的位置覆盖大片大片草地,远处的山峰,湖泊和河流,以及小屋和其他特色风景。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
Want to see Chronicles of Elyria in action? If so, look no further than a four plus minute video tour of one of the game's locations called Titan's Steppe. It's a fantastic look at how Chronicles is progressing as a character runs through the mountainous location packed with grassy meadows, distant peaks, lakes and rivers as well as huts and other structures.
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