《辐射4:Nuka World》今日发布 恐怖世界和完美世界的对比

2016-08-30 1528
明天是《辐射4》DLC最后一天,Bethesda希望玩家更深入了解Nuka World。这部预告片,有助于为8月30日星期二发布的《辐射4:Nuka World》。赶紧来看吧!野生动物园探险是Nuka World动物园的版本,而居民不完全是Nuka World中的居民。严重的辐射转化成可怕的野兽般的生物在这里生长,变异成巨大的鳄鱼。但是,另外一个叫做清新的世界,是一个可乐装瓶厂与游乐场,展示了你最喜欢的碳酸饮料的历史。最后,玩家要用用自己的方式去儿童王国,一个天堂的家庭。“儿童王国所有的家庭美好的东西都在那里,”艺术家Mark Teare说。“这当然可以把恐怖的东西和很可爱东西作鲜明的对比——很可怕地方和完美的地方。”专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
Tomorrow marks the last DLC for Fallout 4 and Bethesda wants players to know that there are compelling reasons to vacation in Nuka World. Today's trailer helps pave the way for the release of Nuka World on Tuesday, August 30th. Check it out!
    Safari Adventure is Nuka-World’s version of a zoo, but the inhabitants aren’t quite what they used to be. Heavy radiation has transformed the creatures here into monstrous beasts like the Gatorclaws, a mutated version of alligators. The World of Refreshment is a working Nuka-Cola bottling plant with a fun tour ride that reveals the history of your favorite fizzy beverage. Finally, make your way over to Kiddie Kingdom, a paradise for families. Or it was at one point. “Kiddie Kingdom is where all the family friendly stuff was,” says Lead Artist Mark Teare. “Which of course makes it the perfect place to put the creepiest stuff to get that contrast of really cute and really horrific.”
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