《魔兽世界:军团再临》 同步发布资料片

2016-08-30 545
魔兽世界:军团再临在世界范围推出几个小的时间里,暴雪娱乐已经发布了游戏的资料片片。该预告片被称为“ 艾泽拉斯世界 的命运”.资料片为大家展示了惊心动魄的场面。你准备好了吗?赶紧点击游戏链接去体验吧!
ith only a few hours until World of Warcraft: Legion launches world wide, Blizzard Entertainment has released the launch trailer for the game. Called The Fate of Azeroth, the trailer picks some amazing scenes from previously released trailers and cutscenes from Legion itself. Check it out! Are YOU prepared?
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