《The Exiled 》团队开展玩家调查活动 为游戏更新做准备

2016-09-02 411
《The Exiled 》团队一直在分析过去的几个星期里玩家的指标数据和反馈。现在玩家也有机会填写一项调查,你也能成为参与分析的一部分有助于推动下一个游戏更新和优先名单。
在接下来的一周,《The Exiled 》团队将重点研究服务器延迟和碰撞问题,以及登录队列,级别低的玩家如何参加更多的活动,玩家之间均衡的优势/劣势和其他较小的问题等待。区游戏官网了解耕读详细内容吧。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
The Exiled team has been analyzing player metrics and feedback over the last several weeks. Players also had opportunity to fill out a survey that also became part of the analysis that will drive the next update and priority list.
Over the next weeks, the team will be working on server lag and collision issues; login queues; more activity for low-level players to participate in; equalizing the advantages / disadvantages between clans and solo players; and other, smaller issues as well.
Check out The Exiled site to read up on the details.
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