
2019-09-22 533
正如在一份新闻稿中所总结的那样,Borderlands 3的创意总监Paul Sage在《Borderlands Show》的第一集中首次展示了即将到来的游戏中“血腥收获”的片段。
任何人都可以参加十月的血腥收割。《Borderlands Show》还透露了《Borderlands 2 VR》在Steam上的发行日期,这款游戏将于10月22日正式发行,并包含所有的BAMF DLC。
想了解更多关于血腥收获的信息,请点击这里。你可以在官方的Borderlands Twitch频道观看下个月的Borderlands第二集。第一集在这里。
As summarized in a press release, Borderlands 3 Creative Director Paul Sage debuted the very first footage of the upcoming “Bloody Harvest” in-game event during the inaugural episode of The Borderlands Show, a new monthly web series covering all things Borderlands.
If you don’t know what Bloody Harvest is, it’s a Halloween-themed event that will launch next month and run for a limited time. It will include brand new and appropriately themed Legendary weapons, character skins, enemy types, environments, and at least one seriously spooky boss battle.
Anyone can take part in Bloody Harvest when it goes live in October. The Borderlands Show also revealed the release date for Borderlands 2 VR on Steam, which will officially launch on October 22 with all the BAMF DLC included.
To learn more about Bloody Harvest, check the post here. You can catch episode two of The Borderlands Show next month over at the official Borderlands Twitch channel. Episode 1 is available here.
And in case you missed it, check out our Borderlands 3 review in progress here.
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