《指环王》的最新在线扩展正在进行中,Minas Morgul现在可以预订

2019-09-25 438
《指环王》的最新在线扩展正在进行中。Minas Morgul现在可以预订,预定于2019年10月29日上映。
Minas Morgul资料片带来了超过250个新任务,化妆品和更多。《魔多黑书》史诗任务线也会有更新,随着玩家探索这座曾经被称为米纳斯伊瑟尔的城市,会有更多的故事。除了新的故事情节和任务,工匠公会也将得到更新,而站在石头上的玩家团队也加入了新的Shelob raid。
与Minas Morgul一起出现的还有一个新的结实的斧矮人种族,不过今天的补丁提示他们可能会提前出现,因为补丁中提到了矮人种族的翻译问题。我们将密切关注这一情况,一旦确定,我们将更新这篇文章。
Minas Morgul预售已经开始!
更多信息请访问:https://t。有限公司/ vXdqLMAFlZ #静pic.twitter.com/WW6aLjovF7
- LOTRO (@lotro) 2019年9月25日新的LotRO扩展版有三个版本,价格从标准版的39.99美元、收藏家版的79.99美元到终极粉丝包的129.99美元不等。这些差异包括化妆品的数量和每个人的额外物品。豪华版和粉丝包都将获得“大联盟化妆品”,而粉丝包还将获得“死亡之城化妆品”的全新化妆武器光环和独家头衔。
The latest expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online is upon us. Minas Morgul is now available for pre-order, with a scheduled release of October 29, 2019.
The Minas Morgul expansion brings with it over 250 new quests, cosmetics and more. The Black Book of Mordor Epic Questline will also feature an update, adding more story as players explore the city once known as Minas Ithil. In addition to the new storyline and quests, crafting guilds will be getting an update and the team at Standing Stone Gamers is adding in a new Shelob raid.
Also mentioned to be coming with Minas Morgul is the new Stout Axe Dwarf Race, though the patch notes today hint that they may come early since there is mention of a translation issue with the Dwarvish race in the patch. we'll be keeping an eye on that and update this post once we know for sure.
Minas Morgul Pre-Sale has Begun!
Learn more here: https://t.co/vXdqLMAFlZ #LOTRO pic.twitter.com/WW6aLjovF7
— LOTRO (@lotro) September 25, 2019The new LotRO expansion is available in three editions, ranging in price from $39.99 for the Standard Edition, $79.99 for the Collector's Edition and $129.99 for the Ultimate Fan Bundle. The differences range from the amount of cosmetics and additional items each one has. Deluxe And Fan Bundles will both get the "Cosmetics of the Great Alliance," while the Fan Bundle will also receive "Cosmetics of the Dead City" a new cosmetic weapon aura and exclusive titles.
You can check out the full details of each bundle on the pre-order landing page.
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