
2019-09-25 607
新12:32 PST:根据即将到来的Minas Morgul资料片的FAQ页面,结实的斧矮人种族今天对任何预订的人都是可用的。新的比赛,以及许多化妆品项目包括在单独的版本将击中您的帐户一旦你申请产品的关键。Minas Morgul的全部内容将于10月29日发布。
更新24.3在“已知问题”一节中提到了粗壮斧的翻译问题,但没有明确说明粗壮斧矮人将随今天的LotRO补丁一起到来。实际上,整个补丁注释非常简单,提供了对字符面板的更改,在Isengard gear上添加了统计信息,使其“符合现代值”,等等。然而,除了已知的问题外,补丁中并没有提到游戏中添加了结实的斧矮人。
UPDATE 12:32 PST: According to the FAQ page for the upcoming Minas Morgul expansion, the Stout Axe Dwarf race is available today to anyone who pre-orders. The new race, as well as many of the cosmetic items included in the separate editions will hit your account once you apply the product key. The full content of Minas Morgul is scheduled to launch on October 29th.
It seems the thralls of Mordor are breaking out of their cells today, as the latest patch notes for The Lord of the Rings Online hint that they could drop with the patch itself.
Update 24.3 makes reference to translation issues for the Stout Axes in the "Known Issues" section, but doesn't explicitly state the Stout Axe Dwarves are arriving with today's LotRO patch. The overall patch notes are actually pretty light, providing changes to the character panels, adding stats on Isengard gear to bring it "in line with modern values," and more. However, not actual mention of the Stout Axe Dwarves being added to the game is mentioned in the patch notes other than the known issue.
You can check out the full patch notes on the LotRO forums. The maintenance is still ongoing for The Lord of the Rings Online, so we'll have to update this post once we are able to log in and check for ourselves. In the meantime, you can check out the Stout Axe Dwarves starting experience, and how their origins make me hopeful for more stories told by the LotRO team that may or may not be expressly detailed in the books.
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