
2019-10-14 1368
KOG的网络游戏《KurtzPel》受漫画《anime》的启发,刚刚对他们的网络斗殴游戏进行了大规模的更新。经过一个周末的激烈测试,我们有机会坐下来与KOG副总裁Danny Noss和社区专家Malcom Yeo讨论最新的更新以及它将给KurtzPel带来什么。
当KurtzPel首次进入Early Access时,我有幸看到了它。你可以在这里查看我的第一印象。六个月过去了,我还没有发现它能让我的注意力保持多久。这么长时间过去了,我想找出为什么现在是球员回归的时候。好像是为了回答我的问题,丹尼指出了新更新中刚刚删除的更改的数量。
最重要的添加到KurtzPel是引入石灰。对于那些没有玩过KurtzPel或者根本不知道它的人来说,KurtzPel并不是一个完全孤立的故事。故事发生在手机游戏《大追捕》(Grand Chase)的最后一场比赛后大约400年。它甚至链接到其他KOG游戏,如Elsword。库兹佩尔不可避免地与这些追逐者联系在一起,而莱姆无疑是对当前比赛的巨大补充。在我们的谈话中,丹尼描述了石灰。
“刚开始的时候,我们有了一个想法。然而,在Early Access中发行的一大好处便是与玩家共同开发。这样做的逻辑是,我们不会使用基于治疗的角色,因为治疗会延长战斗时间和漫长的比赛是无聊的。”
这对于带有玩家基础缩水的游戏来说尤其成问题。KOG证实,虽然这款游戏在最初的Early Access发行后取得了一些不错的成绩,但它却遭遇了自然的萎缩。虽然这使得KKOG可以将精力集中在一个相对较小的开发团队上,但这也意味着,当体验差距变得不可逾越时,您可以简单地停下来,放下手中的键盘。希望新的更新能给玩家一个战斗的机会。这个变化是愤怒打破系统。
谈到这背后的精神,Danny说:“当Kutrzpel还处于婴儿阶段时,它的基础是2v2 PvP。这是第一次作为KOG,我们开发了一款以PvP为导向的游戏,第一次使用虚幻引擎,第一次做了很多事情。我们用《2v2战斗》奠定了这一基础,因为我们注意到在我们15年的游戏产业中,《1v1》游戏已经站稳了脚跟。它已经完成了。2v2格式的战斗元素的数量增加了许多深度和复杂性。它可以翻转游戏。你可以在半场势均力敌的情况下进入一场比赛,这样整个比赛就会出现胜负难分的局面,因为有一个队把所有的东西都集中在一起,彻底改变了比赛的局面。”
KurtzPel, the anime-inspired online title from KOG has just unleashed a massive new update to their online brawler. After a weekend of furious testing, we got a chance to sit down and talk to Danny Noss, VP of KOG, and Malcom Yeo, Community Specialist, to talk about to latest update and what it is about to bring to KurtzPel.
I was lucky enough to take a look at KurtzPel when it first launched into Early Access. You can check out my initial impressions here. After nearly sixth months I haven’t found that it held my attention for as long as I’d like. With so much time elapsed, I wanted to find out why this is the time for players to make a comeback. As if to answer my question Danny points at the number of changes that just dropped in the new update.
“We’ve been incredibly busy of late,” noted Danny. “The patch notes alone are eight pages long, so that gives you an idea of how much is coming in just this update”
One of the most significant additions to KurtzPel is the introduction of Lime. For those that haven’t played KurtzPel or simply aren’t aware, KurtzPel isn’t a completely isolated narrative. It takes place around 400 years after the final events of the mobile game Grand Chase. It even has links to other KOG games like Elsword. The KurtzPel are inexorably tied to these chasers and Lime is undoubtedly a massive addition to the current game. During our chat, Danny described Lime.
“Lime is a new character and the NPC that introduces the Hammer. Anybody who is coming back to the game is going to love that this is the first time we have introduced a support character.”
Originally a Holy Knight in the world of Grand Chase, Lime is a young girl who wields a holy hammer. Her introduction to KurtzPel does not deviate from this idea. While small in stature this young girl has held onto her hammer in the intervening years between Grand Chase and KurtzPel. In both games, she used this oversized melee weapon to assist her comrades as well as face-off against incoming damage. You can check out the hammer in the release trailer.
Now it’s not only Lime that gets to play this hybrid role. Players will get access to a new Karma. For the uninitiated, Karma are akin to classes in KurtzPel and allow players to unlock access to different weapons, as they progress through the game. Players who complete a series of quests or opt to purchase the DLC content can start utilizing the Sacred Guardian class to assist their fellow KurtzPel. This means that with the right selection of karma Crystals the Sacred Guardian can block projectiles, drop healing over an area, or rush in and break an attack before it becomes fatal. It’s a varied range of options that moves away from the traditional damage focused approach of KurtzPel and potentially changing up the whole of the game’s meta.
The introduction of a support character is unusual for KurtzPel, simply because this was not how the game first started out.
“When we started this, we walked in with an idea. However, one of the great things about launching in Early Access is developing with the players. The logic walking into this is that we were not going to have healing based characters because heals prolong combat and protracted matches are boring.”
That changed. The introduction of the recent Dual Souls Karma brought a super fast class that could turn the game on a knife-edge, dishing out ridiculous damage in the blink of an eye. Akin to an assassin style class, this nudged Kurtzpekl a little closer to a traditional MMORPG style class structure and provides players with a different way to play that still doesn’t move too far away from KurtzPel’s focus on action.
“We developed the game with the concept that we want to see blood, we want to see guts, and we wanted to see it over fast,” confirmed Danny. “Fast matches can be fantastic when it’s calculated but things change. We figured that with this particular karma we get to bring fast attacks, healing and res support character which plays against the last karma we introduced, a blindingly fast interceptor that’ll have you down in a flash and this hammer is the embodiment of a Paladin. It can heal, it can battle res, and it can tank.”
The Proving Grounds
Still with this huge change to the meta. The team at KOG couldn’t just expect a new class to distract from other, more core, issues. To that end, the team has been working with their community to produce the aforementioned eight pages of patch notes.
“With that in mind, we introduced the Eltheca proving grounds and had our best players come in and tear down our Karmas. From that, we took all the feedback from the players and the dev team and started making eight pages of patch notes”
The Eltheca proving grounds provided three distinct tests for the team at KOG and involved the game’s best and brightest. They brought the fight to the 30 odd strong team behind KurtzPel and took combat apart. The result wrapped up just a few weeks ago, just prior to the 10 Oct launch of the latest patch and the game has seen some significant balance changes. These tests have been invaluable in getting the game right, according to Danny
“They (the players) are the pro players,” said Danny “I liken it to professional guitarists. You’ve got the people that design the guitars but are they the best guitarist in the world? Hell no, but you put a talented musician behind that and you might hear things that you didn’t imagine. It’s the same for our players and the game. It’s really exciting to see what they do. The benefit of getting the Sacred Guardian on the test realm already and getting that feedback is that we are seeing players already starting to seed a new meta into the game.”
In addition, keeping in contact with the community through these test servers has allowed KOG to get to the bottom of one of the biggest issues that has dogged KurtzPel combat since shortly after launch.
“One of the big issues that plagued players from quite early on in the game was something we call Fast Falling.”
This describes an issue whereby the players would find after throwing their opponent up into the air, the enemy character would descend back to the ground without an opportunity to follow through and build a combo. This ended up being linked to a collision between the game engine and source code. This issue, where the server was unable to register a character location correctly is now resolved and should drastically improve the quality of life for players jumping back into the game.
Rage Break
 With jumping back into a game for the first time, you’ll always come up against the pro player that can crush you without batting an eyelid and Danny feels just as strongly as you’d expect about this.
“Any time you have to hands-off keyboard, that is no fun for anyone”
This is especially problematic with games that have player base shrinkages. KOG confirmed that while the game managed some serious numbers after the initial Early Access launch, it has seen natural shrinkage. While this allowed KKOG to focus their efforts with a relatively small development team, it does mean that there is the potential to simply stop and drop your hands from the keyboard when the experience gap becomes insurmountable. Hopefully, the new update has something to give players a fighting chance. This change is the Rage Break system.
Like many fighting games that rely on juggling and combos, KurtzPel has come up with a breaker system that now allows players a fighting chance to escape a combo lock. The Rage Break utilizes a player’s rage bar to break a combo. This provides the opportunity for players on the back foot to switch from dropping an ultimate skill to instead get breathing space. It also injects some tactical opportunities. With more than one potential use for the Rage Meter, it may be more opportune for players to hold onto their rage in case things become problematic.
It’s a whole other way to play and should make PvP much more interesting for new and old players alike. While KurtzPel has a ton of lore from Grand Chase and a PvE mode, PvP is king and the latest update will inevitably throw the current PvP balance out the window.
Making a Meta
Talking about the ethos behind this, Danny remarked that “When Kutrzpel was in its infant stages the foundation was 2v2 PvP. This is the first time that as KOG, we’ve developed a game that is so PvP orientated, the first time we’ve used the Unreal engine, the first time for a lot of things. We built that foundation with 2v2 combat because we’ve noticed that over our 15 years in the game industry, the 1v1 game is firmly established. It’s been done. The number of elements that come together for combat in a 2v2 format adds so much depth and complexity. It can flip games. You can go into a game evenly matched at half time and the whole game flips because one team got its stuff together and turned the game on its head.”
With a new class of combat coming into the game, the Ethica proving grounds have given the team an idea of how things might play out as the game progresses.
“The proving ground tests have already shown us what can happen when the players seed the hammer into the meta but we still haven’t seen what happens when players start to develop tactics on the live game. We’ve yet to see it with the Blazing Fist, with the Diabolical Witch, and so on. We haven’t seen that side of the meta develops fully yet and that is the most exciting thing.”
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