
2019-10-23 738
在休息了一年之后,伊娃·莱万特(Eva Levante)又回来了,她是迷失节的先驱。这个节日是守护者戴上不敬的面具,纪念那些逝去的人们的时刻。
This year, the Festival of the Lost has returned to Destiny 2, filling the air with the Halloween spirit. Players can put on their Masquerader helmets and join in the fun.
This year, Guardians will be able to participate in the Haunted Forest to take on the "fiends, ghouls and terrors that lie within." It's a 15 minute engagement to see how far each team can go in the Forest, but Bungie cautions players to "beware of what awaits you at the end."
After taking a year off, Eva Levante has returned as the herald of the Festival of the Lost. This holiday is a time for Guardians to don irreverent masks and celebrate the memories of those that are lost.
As a growing threat looms ever-present, return to the Tower, grab some candy, and remind yourself what you’re fighting for.
Guardians can also customize their costume, giving it a distinct skeletal look. Additionally, weapon skins, the return of a witches broom-skinned Sparrow, and more are available for players to customize for the festival. Players can also spend Candy towards "Mystery Grab Bags," as well as a Masterworked 950 Power Braytech Werewolf Legendary Auto Rifle.
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