
2019-10-30 514
Warcraft 3: Reforged multiplayer beta is now live for those who preordered the $40 Spoils of War edition.
According to PC Gamer, preordering will also net you four additional Warcraft 3: Reforged skins, including Champion of the Horde Thrall, Emerald Nightmare Cenarius, Fallen King Arthas, and Daughter of the Seas Proudmoore. Other bonuses include the Meat Wagon mount for WoW, the Third War card back for Hearthstone, a new Diablo 3 pet. Additionally, Jaina, Thrall, Anub’arak, and Tyrande characters for Heroes of the Storm will be available, including Overwatch icons and sprays.
Warcraft 3: Reforged is set to include the base game of course, plus the Frozen Throne expansion. Updated graphics, voice work, cutscene cinematics, and multiplayer are also included. If you’re curious about gameplay, check it out on Twitch.
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