
2019-11-17 628
海洋的小偷收到漫画,制服,和高大的传说- MMORPG.com
Sea of Thieves Receives Comic, Livery, and Tall Tale - MMORPG.com
Sea of Thieves is set to receive a new comic, a Tall Tale, and free ship livery.
The comic, called Sea of Thieves: Origins, chronicle the events that brought Madame Olivia of the Order of Souls, Humphrey the Gold Hoarder and Molly of the Merchant Alliance to the Sea of Thieves. They should be available now and are free, according to the press release.
The Tall Tale will have you chasing spirits in the company of a who you may find familiar. Follow in the ghostly footsteps of the pirates who came before you, and discover what fate befell them, in The Seabound Soul.
Finally, if you hop in game now until November 22, you’ll receive a new Gears of War livery.
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