
2019-11-26 1336
当《流放之路》在2019年的ExileCon上首次发布时,我真的认为这是一个半开玩笑的玩笑,因为暴雪在一年前发布了《暗黑破坏神》。然而,当手机用户界面第一次出现在新西兰奥克兰奥提亚中心的视频中时,我就知道这是真的。同样值得庆幸的是,Chris Wilson和他的磨齿游戏团队已经准备好让玩家在那个周末的ExileCon上检查并提供反馈。那么流亡的经历如何转化为移动设备呢?
在视觉上,这看起来像路径,虽然视觉效果明显地削减了一些与PC版本。纹理真的会在小屏幕上弹出(我的游戏通关是在iPhone 11上),在小屏幕上给你的角色周围的世界提供所需的细节。你可以选择一个掠夺者,女巫或游骑兵,很像在表演地板上的流亡之路2演示,我决定与掠夺者一起去看看它是如何感觉接近行动。
Movement is mapped to a virtual thumbstick on the left hand side of the screen, and thankfully that thumstick tracks with your hand, meaning if your grip drifts a little bit you needn’t readjust to control - the thumbstick will recognize this and move with you. I found that incredibly helpful, as the back of the iPhone was getting so hot I was constantly adjusting my grip to compensate.
Your skills were mapped to the right hand side of the screen with three, rather large buttons to use - your main skill centered and slightly larger than the other two to make it more accessible. In motion, Mobile feels just like any other game of Path of Exile - you explore a map, taking out waves of enemies along the way, grabbing any loot they drop while doing so. Rinse and repeat. And Mobile feels like a proper Path experience.
However, it’s not without its issues. One of the major ones I encountered is some of the UI elements just aren’t as responsive as they should be - specifically your health and mana flasks. This was relegated to menu towards the middle-top of the right side of the screen - and I struggled, especially in the heat of combat to adequately open this menu and select the right vial I needed. Oftentimes it wouldn’t even open the pull out menu - it would just consume whatever flask was there - so if I needed Mana, but the most recently used flask was health, I found myself healing when I didn’t need it. This really needs to be more prominent, and responsive, especially considering how important healing and replenishing mana can be in the thick of a fight.
The inventory screen is pared back a bit - you don’t have as much space in your inventory than your PC counterpart, and I’m not sure if that’s just a tech limitation on the Mobile side, or if it’s simply the space of the UI on the screen, but it did feel limiting. In a game all about collecting loot, not being able to loot as much felt a little awkward.
However, for the most part Mobile is traditional Path. You’ll earn gems and, though instead of slotting in weapons and armor, you'll slot them into a skills screen to give your Exile the skills they need to take on the next round of enemies. The socket system is present as well, allowing you to augment these skill gems with support gems to make them more powerful.
Combat itself feels incredibly tight - and the responsiveness between my inputs and what I saw on screen for the most part was incredible.. I did notice input lag and some framerate issues when all of the things were going off on screen, but that can simply be blamed on it being and early build and there obviously will be improvements made to optimization down the road.
But man, when you take out a massive wave of enemies, sending limbs flying and racing back and forth across the screen, each movement and attack more satisfying than the last - it’s so much fun.
And as someone who doesn’t play mobile games, nor even really give them much thought, the fact that I was having as much fun as I was surprised me.. Even with the phone going nuclear in my hand, I didn’t want to stop playing. I could easily see myself sitting in bed playing Path of Exile Mobile before going to sleep, eager to clear one more map before I nod off. If executed well it can be a proper Path of Exile experience, and in Grinding Gears Games’s history, nothing suggests it won’t be executed well.
While no release date has been announced for Mobile, I’m actually finding myself chomping at the bit to get another go at the mobile build. It’s fun, and I honestly can’t wait to try it out again whenever Grinding Gear Games releases another test - mainly because I cannot wait to see where it goes from here. If I had this much fun at the earliest of stages, I can only imagine how my experience will be once it’s been improved and iterated on based on the feedback from ExileCon.
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