
2019-12-08 440
In case you missed it, in a video nearly one hour in length, the GWENT team discussed the roadmap for the Witcher 3 card game.
In short, new expansions were announced but with no concrete release date or names. There will be an Arena rework, but again no concrete dates. Monthly updates are set to continue. More vanities are on the way as well, with a leader skin shown off on the stream. Additionally, a holiday event will happen in about two weeks.
In case you missed it, it was recently announced that the console version of GWENT will no longer be supported. The team cited resources required to support a comparatively small playerbase to mobile and PC.
“However, having just launched GWENT on iOS, and with the Android version coming, the number of supported platforms would significantly increase. Looking to the future, we do not believe we can support a growing number of different versions of GWENT while improving feature parity between them.
Considering that PC and mobile are the most popular platforms among GWENT players, we have made a tough decision: to discontinue support of console versions of the game.”
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