
2019-12-20 710
对于那些在先贤祠和EverQuest开发者Brad McQuaid去世后没能活下来的人,《生命的庆典》今晚将在Twitch上重播。
在美国社交新闻网站“万神殿”(Pantheon)的一篇帖子中,streamer BazgrimTV宣布,将为那些想要表达敬意但无法现场直播的人转播这项服务。当现实生活中的服务在加利福尼亚发生时,游戏活动的组织者向Baz发送了庆祝流的录制版本。为了表示尊重并给那些之前没能成功的人一个机会,录音将于美国东部时间晚上8点/太平洋标准时间下午5点在Baz的Twitch频道进行直播。
For those who couldn't make it after the tragic news of Pantheon and EverQuest Developer Brad McQuaid's passing, the Celebration of Life will be rebroadcast tonight on Twitch.
Announced via a Reddit post on the Pantheon subreddit, streamer BazgrimTV will be hosting a rebroadcast of the service for anyone who may want to pay their respects but weren't able to live. As the real-life services have taken place in California, the organizers of the in-game event sent Baz the recorded version of the celebration stream. As a way to pay respect and give those a chance who couldn't make it previously, the recording will be streamed on Baz's Twitch channel at 8PM EST/5PM PST.
Come see a special slideshow chronicling many sides of Brad’s life and career, and hear touching stories from his daughter Julia, Chris Rowan (CEO of Visionary Realms), John Smedley, and more. I hope you can all join. But the recording will be posted on my YouTube channel afterward for those that can’t.
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