《星战前夜》将举办一场名为“PLEX for GOOD”的活动,为澳大利亚丛林大火受害者筹集资金

2020-01-08 422
CCP Games今天通过Twitter宣布,他们将举办一场慈善活动,以帮助那些受目前在澳大利亚肆虐的丛林大火影响的人们。虽然没有公布更多的细节来说明这将如何运作,但是活动是在EVE Online社区呼吁冰岛人来举办慈善活动之后进行的。
CCP将很快开展一项新的活动,为那些受严重的丛林火灾影响的人们筹集资金。感谢有爱心的EVE社区的呼吁!更多细节将于下周公布。# tweetfleet #山火pic.twitter.com/
——《星战前夜》(@EveOnline), 2020年1月8日
CCP Games announced via Twitter today that they will be hosting a PLEX For GOOD campaign to help those who are affected by the bushfires which are raging in Australia right now. While no additional details have been announced as to exactly how this will work, but the campaign comes after the EVE Online community called for the Icelandic to host the charity event.
CCP will soon be conducting a new PLEX for GOOD campaign to raise funds for those affected by the severe bushfires that are currently raging in Australia. Thanks to the caring EVE community who have called for it! More details will be following next week. #tweetfleet #bushfires pic.twitter.com/— EVE Online (@EveOnline) January 8, 2020EVE Online has a history of charitable events, raising money for Able Gamers at EVE Vegas as well as the popular charity dinner at EVE Fanfest every year, so it's not shocking the community banded together and asked CCP to put an event together to help the community down in Australia.
We'll report back as more details are shared in the coming days for this event. In the meantime, if you want to help those affected by the bushfires, you can do so via the Red Cross.
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