《星战前夜》的Hilmar Petursson透露了季节变化的细节

2020-01-20 526
《星战前夜》首席执行官Hilmar Veigar Petursson最近接受了《星战前夜》季节变化的采访。
CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson recently sat down for an interview in which seasonal changes for EVE Online were discussed.The interview comes way via MassivelyOP which sat down with Hilmar for the discussion. Hilmar expressed his wish for EVE Online to become sentient in the long term, with players completely driving everything,“Absolutely, it’s the long term vision. I mean, we have had to apply some manual intervention to get the thing going and just to collect data on where the boundaries are — The blackout, the drifters, the wormhole connections, all the things we’ve been doing.”The Blackout was of course touched on as well, with Hilmar coming away satisfied with how it was run, and the learnings the team was able to come away with,“It was a really good experiment to understand what a good duration is, and in this case it was just too long. We added really nothing to our own knowledge about it after day 40, 66 days was too long.”The release cadence was also discussed, with Hilmar discussing finding the right balance between releasing all at once versus piece meal,“The way we’ve been managing the updates, I often describe it like as if you were a sausage factory. You need to make sausages, put them in a pack, bundle them together, and here’s a pack of sausages. But we’re kind of just releasing one long sausage that has no break in it and nobody wants that. Our updates are so supply driven, what gets delivered by the dev team is just released in one long stream.”
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