
2012-08-03 3268

En Masse娱乐公司邀请玩家来今夏新的活动专区晒出他们最靓的沙滩照桌面!优胜者将获得一套奇特的武器皮肤作为奖品。


在Bash沙滩上给自己和其他人照几张有趣的照片。确保你的照片能够突出沙滩的环境-——泳衣、太阳镜等等。会有一些人全副武装,但是,拜托!这是一个沙滩聚会!不要错过哦~专业玩家网是集各种热门游戏 外挂,游戏工作室外挂的专业站点。



En Masse Entertainment is challenging TERA players to head to the new summer event zone to take their best screens of awesomeness on the beach. Winners will receive a whimsical weapon skin as a reward.

The party starts Saturday, August 11 at 7 p.m. PDT and lasts until 8 p.m. Follow the map below to get from Vindicator Basecamp to the Desolate Coast party site. Hang out, pose, take shots, and socialize.

Take fun shots of yourself and others at the Beach Bash. Make sure your shots feature beach attire—suits, sunglasses, and so on. There can be some folks in armor, but come on! It’s a beach party!



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