《巫师之怒 OL》:《新地平线》资料片发布 公开龙之宝藏视频

2012-08-13 3002

《巫师之怒 OL》制作团队宣布已成功部署了《新地平线》的资料片。另外,同时启用了一个新服务器来方便新玩家使用。




另外,今天还同时公布了一个视频描述即将到来的龙之宝藏的背景故事。 最新资料片“新地平线”。新资料将允许玩家拥有私人岛屿,并可以岛屿进行个性化设置。新资料片同时对灵能者(Psionicist)进行了重新设计,技能和平衡性都有了很大改变。该游戏已经由巨人网络代理,月底即将开放不删档测试。专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDK代理IP,来这里,是你最正确的选择!



The Allods Online team has announced the successful deployment of the New Horizons expansion. In addition, a brand new server has also launched to accommodate new players.

The Astral ships house up to six players in mobile, customizable machines of war, but not every player wants to share their living space. New Horizons introduces private allods, islands in the Astral space which can be earned purely through PvE questing. Players who have earned the title of “the Great” will now be able to choose from desert, jungle, or snow terrain and watch their allod come to life.



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