《洛奇英雄传 OL》:公开射手座Kai策略报告 慎选装备

2012-08-25 5158

Nexon与MMORPG网合作带给了读者一篇围绕《洛奇英雄传 OL》最新角色射手座Kai的独家策略报告。Jonathan Redaja,美国Nexon《洛奇 OL》的QA/GM主管向我们透露了许多很好的策略。

当你去选择一套装备时,你要确保这适合自己。当你获得材料来自己制作时,一开始是很简单的,但越来越难。材料会变得稀有起来,其中会要求一些特殊物品,获得它们有些特殊要求,或者会很贵。除非你有钱去买你想要的,所以在寻找固定装备时要仔细一些,在进行下一项设置前多找几回吧!在目前的网络环境下,代理IP 孕育而生很好的解决了用户对网速的要求这一难题



Nexon has teamed up with MMORPG.com to bring our readers and exclusive Vindictus Strategy Report that centers around one of the game's newer characters, Kai the Archer. Jonathan Redaja, Vindictus Lead QA/GM Supervisor at Nexon America has all the best tips around. Keep reading!

When choosing gear to use, make sure you find one you’ll be comfortable with. While gaining the ingredients to create what you want will be easy in the beginning, it’ll become harder later to do the same. Ingredients will become rarer, and some of the items will require special conditions to obtain them or be too expensive. Unless you have the money to purchase the items you want, find solid equipment that’ll be effective for at least a few episodes before moving on to the next set.



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