
2012-08-30 4653

我们的Grakulen被Hi-Rez工作室的Gabriel Mughelli邀请一起玩第三幕自由特工。这组冒险主要是指PvE侵袭,也是看看这最近更新的版本有什么新内容。来看看!




Our own Grakulen is joined by Gabriel Mughelli from Hi-Rez Studios for Free Agent Episode 3. The pair adventure forth into a PvE raid and check out some of the new content introduced with the latest expansion. Check it out!

In addition to a PvE raid we also played through some of the expansion content that was released last September in the Northern Sonoran desert.  We encountered a few different types of quests.  There are your standard “go and kill 10 bugs and bring back parts to me” quests, but we also took part in quests that required us to defend positions as well as venture into instances and kill the boss.  While none of these quest types are ground breaking and redefine the genre, Hi-Rez has done a decent job of trying to mix it up a bit. 



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