《科南时代》:公开最新制造系统细节 详细视频教程曝光

2012-12-05 3551

最近我们有机会和Funcom的Craig Morrison和Einer Forselv谈论了解《科南时代》(《Age of Conan》)的大量制造系统更新情况,这会在接下来几个月发布。这次视频还向我们展示了游戏即将上线的Dragonspine的开放世界,一起来感受一下吧!专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最新的网络游戏排行榜,最新网络游戏大全等

We had the chance to talk at great length with Funcom's Craig Morrison and Einer Forselv about Age of Conan's massive crafting overhaul, due out in the next couple of months. We also got a look at the game's upcoming open-world area of Dragonspine. Watch, learn, and be happy!

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