《DC漫画英雄OL》:更新Home Turf正式上线 精彩宣传视频

2013-01-31 3191

索尼在线娱乐(Sony Online Entertainment)宣布游戏《DC漫画英雄OL》(《DC Universe Online》)的更新将会延迟,备受关注的当然是新加进的巢穴模式,将出现在玩家的基础房屋构建中。玩家们可以用他们在游戏中获得的物品来布置他们自己的巢穴。

同时上线的还有新基础系统,Home Turf将给玩家们一个新的高级别独家游戏的机会,在以下4个标志地区将会接受新的任务:Stryker岛、Arkham疯人院、钢铁厂和Ace化工厂。每一个地点都拥有全新的外观,新增了不少实例和内容,游戏环境中将会接受新的任务。这些区域里,每个地方都会提供10个任务来帮助玩家完成“Marks of War”的总任务,大家可以买装备或者是转向“Marks of Triumph”来升级大家的基础主机功能。专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDK,VPN代理,来这里,是你最正确的选择!

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the latest update to DC Universe Online has been deployed. Called "Home Turf", the most notable addition to the game is the Lair system, basically player housing. Players will be able to customize their own lairs with items found or purchased in the game.

Along with the new Base system, Home Turf gives gamers access to new high end solo content, with new missions at four iconic locations: Stryker's Island, Arkham Asylum, Steelworks and Ace Chemicals. Each location boasts new exterior and interior content, instances and missions that breathe new action into the environments. These areas each offer players 10 missions to complete for 'Marks of War,' which they can use to purchase equipment, or convert to 'Marks of Triumph' in order to upgrade their Base Mainframe.

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