4月底《七芯》将走向终结 因制作商已无力支撑

2013-03-20 3030

《七芯》(Seven Core)是由前《奇迹2》和《一骑当千》研发人员成立Noria公司开发的一款奇幻MMORPG。据《七芯》新海报上的内容,这款游戏将在4月底停止运营。原因是开发商不再支持此游戏。专业玩家网比价器是美服和欧服魔兽世界金币领域最专业的比价网站,向游戏工作室提供最及时准确的魔兽世界金币WOWGold出货价格及出货方式查询,游戏收货商家信誉查询,风险查询。





Sevencore : The End is Nigh

According to a new post on the Sevencore main page, the game will be shutting down effective at the end of April. The post indicates that the reason for the closure is due to the fact that the developer can no longer support the game.

However, we have been working on a plan to make this decision as fair as possible for the SEVENCORE community:

•We are going to reimburse all gPotato spent between the 1st of February and today, and between 30% and 75% for purchases prior to this date.
•We will close the in-game shop with immediate effect but are looking into an option to make all shop items available for free.
•The game service won’t be closed until the end of April.
•During the final period of the game, we will boost EXP gain and run various events to make the final weeks as entertaining as possible.
•We are currently working on some very interesting offers for all SEVENCORE players if you decide to play one of our many other games. These packages are currently being discussed and finalised, once we have all the details we will update you on this topic.

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