美服《毁灭(SMITE)》更新补丁 新"Afro-Dite"皮肤和地图

2013-06-27 4416

Hi-Rez Studios日前宣布《毁灭》新补丁上线。玩家将能够利用新物品,新"Afro-Dite"皮肤和一个新战斗地图。为进一步测试游戏,研发团队同时还发布了一段全新预告片,介绍了游戏中功能的一些变化。专业玩家网比价器是美服和欧服魔兽世界金币领域最专业的比价网站,向游戏工作室提供最及时准确的魔兽世界金币WOWGold出货价格及出货方式查询,游戏收货商家信誉查询,风险查询。

SMITE : Latest Patch Brings Big Changes

Hi-Rez Studios has announced the details of the latest update to SMITE. Players will be able to take advantage of new items, a new "Afro-Dite" skin and a new map for conquest. The team has also released a video to spotlight some of these changes and has released the official patch notes for closer examination.

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