
2013-12-11 1912



RaiderZ和终极游戏卡团队决定要在2013假期带给你更多Zen !
RaiderZ ,完美世界与终极游戏卡合作,推出2013假期大促销! 从2013年12月1日到2013年12月31日,任何在完美世界门户使用终极游戏卡的玩家,每次购买物品都将获得额外的15%Zen奖励。
如何获得 15%的更多RaiderZ Zen?
1.购买终极游戏卡。在这里, http://www.ultimategamecard.com/wheretobuy.html,你可以购买RaiderZ终极游戏卡。
3.将Zen 转移到RaiderZ  (https://register.perfectworld.com/register/banned_region)。
囤积Zen,即将到来的假日销售包括:新坐骑,自定义物品! 如果你觉得谁很好,那就送点礼物呗! 不要忘记朋友和家人,你也不想他们的
节日快乐! 我们会在Rendel王国看到你。请记住,一起捕猎否则只能孤独死去。专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。


Ultimate Game Card Promotion
 RaiderZ and Ultimate Game Card teams up to give you more Zen for the 2013 holiday season!
RaiderZ and Perfect World have teamed up with Ultimate Game Card to run a great promotion throughout the 2013 holiday season! From December 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013, any player who uses an Ultimate Game Card on the Perfect World portal will receive an extra 15% bonus Zen with every purchase.
How do you get 15% MORE Zen for RaiderZ?
1. Buy a Ultimate Game Card. Here is where you can purchase Ultimate Game Cards for RaiderZ.
2. Redeem your Ultimate Game Card for Zen on the Perfect World billing page.
3. Transfer Zen into RaiderZ on this page.
Stock up on Zen and get ready some amazing sales this upcoming holiday season including a new mount and customization items! If anyone is on your "nice" list, why not gift them with a stocking full of Zen! Don't forget about friends and family. You don't want to leave their stockings empty.
Happy holidays from all of us at RaiderZ and Perfect World! We'll see you in the Kingdom of Rendel. And remember, hunt together or die alone. Happy hunting.
Not registered? Click here to register for RaiderZ. The best part: RaiderZ is free to play! Get more fan-exclusive content by liking our Facebook Page, follow and tweet us on Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the newest RaiderZ videos.



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