
2011-09-08 1864

PWE日前正式宣布,其代理的MMO《铁锈之心RustyHearts》将于9月13日正式开始公测,同时,PWE透露内测将于太平洋时间9月8日下午5:00关闭,同时提醒内测玩家,不要忘记参加内测最后一天举行庆典活动,参与活动的玩家将有机会获得《铁锈之心RustyHearts》海报以及Logitech F710鼠标。

公测开始之前,不会保留内测玩家的数据。另外将会加入全新的游戏内容以及评判标准,其中包括:提高等级上线 ,全新的副本,全新的任务。另外 ,使用手柄的玩家可以按照自己的习惯重新设置。


PWE announced that the open beta for their Korean beat'em up MMO Rusty Hearts is set on September 13. Along with the OBT date announcement, PWE also revealed that closed beta will end on September 8 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Players who are in the CBT should keep in mind that there is a celebration event on the last day of the CBT, where real life Rusty Hearts posters and 2 Logitech F710 controllers will be sent out.

There will be a data wipe when the open beta starts. Of course new contents and adjustments will be added, including the raise of level cap, new dungeons and new quests, and the removal of Stamina system. There is a change that will please many players who use gamepads. In open beta, players will be able to remap their gamepads to suit their play styles. To learn how to remap the gamepad。




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