《魔戒 OL:洛汗骑士》最新内容独家预览

2012-07-23 4633


这款洛汗骑士游戏能够令你激动的主要功能是war-steeds和骑马战斗的添加。war-steeds并不是你那些标准的坐骑,它更强壮、更快,能够载着你上战场。它们是马界中身价600万美元的男人。当你在洛汗骑士的扩张史诗中探索时你被假定为你的war-steeds。war-steeds在许多方面都是高度可定制的。最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息尽在专业玩家网


We spent some hands-on time with the upcoming Riders of Rohan expansion to The Lord of the Rings Online during last week's Wayback Wednesday. Today, we're offering a recap of our experiences during the event in this exclusive preview.

The primary feature that will get you get excited for Riders of Rohan is the addition of War-steeds and the introduction of mounted combat.  War-steeds are not your typical horse.  They are stronger, faster, and have the capability to carry you into combat.  They are the Six Million Dollar Man of the horse world. You will be granted your War-steed while working through the epic quest line in the Riders of Rohan expansion.  War-steeds are highly customizable in a number of ways.


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