《堕落星球》:和G.O.R.E.系统一起庆祝游戏三周年 三种新武器亮相

2012-09-13 3844

《堕落星球》近期的更新提出,游戏及时将G.O.R.E.(GlobalTech Ordinance of Rapid Extermination)元素加入来进行三周年庆。G.O.R.E.是一个武器系统,这可以给《堕落星球》的破坏贡献许多新的手段。








The latest update to Fallen Earth has been applied to the game that brings G.O.R.E., GlobalTech Ordinance of Rapid Extermination, into the game just in time to celebrate three years. G.O.R.E. is a weapons system that promises to bring more powerful means of destruction into Fallen Earth.

Three New G.O.R.E Weapon lines  – Built to meet the needs of a diverse set of combat situations, schematics outline three models built off of newly discovered tech:
1. The Bastard (Pistol)
2. The Jackal (Rifle)
3. The Lunatic (Melee)

Only the base schematics are available in the wild, but each can be upgraded up to two additional times to realize the full potential as imagined by the GlobalTech engineers



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