《Odin Quest》:游戏开放新服Pandaria 被指抄袭

2012-10-22 4057

《Odin Quest》开放了一个新的服务器,起的名字可能有些巧合……就是大家通常意义上的“有意抄袭”,叫“Pandaria”,发行商YouJoy很高兴地宣布《Odin Quest》新服正式上线,但是并不是真正意义上的Pandaren。要说是真的,那的确差得有些远。



“不仅仅是玩家可以自己扩展不同于地下城的农场,你也可以邀请和你不同区的伙伴组队来为强大的EXP护送贵重物品,寻找先进的紫色装备或者是在更难的地下城里的配件,也能在星级地下城中获得更高质量的宠物水晶等等。总之,在这里你可以交到很多朋友,可以和他们一起体验这些乐趣。”最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息,运营状况, 最新客户端下载尽在专业玩家网


Odin Quest is opening a brand new server with a name that might seem coincidental... if by coincidental you mean "intentionally copied".  Called Pandaria, publisher YouJoy is pleased to announce that Odin Quest's new server is live and running but without actual Pandaren.  Because that would be just too far.
From the press release (unedited):

Not only players will explore and farm different dungeons by yourself, but you can also invite and team up your mates from different time zones to Escort precious cargo for bountiful EXP, search for advanced purple equipments or accessories in harder Advanced Dungeon, obtain higher quality Pet Crystals in Star Dungeons, etc. All in all, here you can make lots of friends and have more fun with them.

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