《Einherjar——维京之血》万圣节正式上线 增加新材料 制作只属于你的物品

2012-10-22 3929

《Einherjar——维京之血》(《Einherjar - The Viking's Blood》)宣布了它们自己的万圣节活动将从今天举行至10月31日结束。活动期间,玩家们将会被委以收集不同的组件来建造他们自己的独创物品。我们一起来看看吧!


这次活动中将会有一些新的材料(HAP、PY、HALLO、和WEEN)提供给大家来创造自己独一无二的物品。玩家们需要去收集 “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” 短语的不同组成部分来制造一个万圣节礼物,然后选择“Halloween of the Production”用它去生产物品。快来一试吧!专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供各类热门游戏点卡销售,充值等服务,应用尽有,放心选购。


Einherjar - The Viking's Blood (what is it with blood today?) has announced its own Halloween event going on from now until 10/31.  In it, players will be tasked with collecting different components to craft their treats which will produce exclusive items.   

There will be some new materials (HAP, PY, HALLO, and WEEN) created for this unique event during the above-said period. Players are required to collect all those parts which constitute the phrase “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” to produce 1 Halloween Treat, then use it to produce items at a newly-crealted tab called Halloween of the Production section.

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