
2012-11-01 4172

随着《英雄城市》(《City of Heroes》)运营接近尾声,我们在Wayback Wednesday栏目中最后一次重温了游戏。来看看我们Wayback Wednesday的主编Rob Lashley的感想,你也可以将自己的心声与我们分享一下。


“作为一个主编,我告诉你我常常玩《英雄城市》。事实是,我没有,无论如何,这是一个非常值得人敬佩的MMO,它的确值得一玩。孩提时期谁没有梦想着做一个英雄?《英雄城市》在过去的8年里为许多人实现了这个愿望。你是不是也曾梦想着成为Magneto来代替别人的Professor X?在这个游戏里你也可以实现。《恶棍城市》(《City of Villains》)也是一样,里面你可以扮演一个很坏的人,好好地发泄一下,就像你在《英雄城市》里成为一个英雄一样。游戏的确值得我们怀念。”



As the days of City of Heroes come to a close, we took the opportunity to revisit the game one last time during Wayback Wednesday. Take a nostalgic look at CoH with our Wayback leader,Rob Lashley , then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
I'd be a phony if I told you that I played City of Heroes on a regular basis. The truth is I did not; however, it is a MMO that I very much respected and appreciated for what it was.  Who has not ever wanted to be a superhero as a kid?  City of Heroes made that dream a virtual reality for many people over the past 8 years.  Maybe you dreamed of being Magneto to someone else's Professor X instead? They had you covered there also.  With City of Villains it was just as viable to be a bad guy as it was to be a good one.

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