《Rakion》:江南Style入侵游戏 奇怪生物袭来

2012-11-19 3529

《Rakion》开发团队透露说,一些人的Thanksgiving dinner跳出了盘子,在游戏世界里尽情地舞蹈。玩家Weirdly听说了游戏里出了一些内容比较像最近比较火的江南Style。

一个大家都不知道的Thanksgiving dinner最近已经进入了游戏,正活跃在游戏中的战争模式。一个典型的外套和时髦搞笑的步伐,谁也不会想到这样的物体可以独当一面。



According to the Rakion team, someone's Thanksgiving dinner has wandered off the plate and is dancing its way through the game world. Weirdly, players hear something quite similar to "Gangam Style" whenever it's nearby.
An unknown Thanksgiving dinner was recently seen alive, headless, and is dancing on Battle Mode. With a stylish coat and groovy moves, Who wouldn’t thought that this creature can pack a punch --- or a kick pun intended.
A strange curiosity, this never-before-seen creature appears suddenly with only the classy beats as a warning.

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