《Chrono Tales》:占星页游MMO开启内测活动 12星座黄道带助你更加强大

2012-12-03 3961

《Chrono Tales》的开发团队准备开启占星页游MMO《Chrono Tales》的内测活动。这次团队提供给注册了CBT的玩家一个限时发放的坐骑。另外,玩家还能在游戏里发现许多关于星座占卜的内容呢!


在《Chrono Tales》这个含有3D元素的MMORPG世界里,它神秘的占星术会为游戏设置带来更多的乐趣。只要你的角色达到12级以上,就能随机获得一个12星座的 黄道带。每一个 黄道带都有不同的属性,这个会符合你的角色的发展方向,使你变得更加强壮!游戏工作室想要找到VPN代理及免费vpn代理可关注值得大家信赖的专业玩家网相关版块


The Chrono Tales team is preparing to launch the closed beta test for the browser-based astrological MMO, Chrono Tales. The team is offering players who register for the CBT a chance at a limited time mount. In addition, more has been revealed about the astrological connections players will find in the game.
In Chrono Tales, the genuine 3D MMORPG world, its mysteries Astrology is surrounding, bringing about more fun of gameplay. A random constellation from the 12 Zodiacs could be gained as long as the character is above Level 12. Each Zodiac has a different attribute, and if the zodiac that matches character’s development direction, you can become stronger.

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