《王国印记》:现在玩游戏升级可以获得丰厚回报 等你开启潘多拉的盒子

2012-12-03 3396

《王国印记》(《Tamer Saga》)开发团队鼓励玩家们来进行个人或合作来提高等级,这样,他们就可以获得丰厚的回报。

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The Tamer Saga team is encouraging all players to work both individually and cooperatively to increase their ranks in order to take advantage of rewards that can be earned by doing so.
The Rank system in Tamer Saga is closely related with other in-game systems. Players are able to upgrade their Rank after they meet the requirements, including the appointed guild level and Prestige. Players who reach higher Rank are allowed to open a Pandora’s Box to obtain tons of Elements more times each day and claim more weekly faction rewards. The time when players gain a higher Rank, the good news will be announced throughout the server.

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