
2012-12-14 3876

Sony Online Entertainment(索尼在线娱乐)宣布Player Studio已经正式上线旗下三款游戏,分别是《自由国度》(《Free Realms》)、《无尽的任务》(《EverQuest》)和《无尽


的任务2》(《EverQuest II》)。Player Studio可以让玩家们自己设计物品在索尼市场上出售。

今年早些时候,Player Studio给玩家们一个机会来自己设计游戏物品并可以在游戏商城中出售。玩家们第一次可以直接在线参与自己喜欢的游戏获得收入。



Sony Online Entertainment has announced that Player Studio has officially launched in Free Realms, EverQuest and EverQuest II. Player Studio allows fans to create items that are then included in the Sony Marketplace for other players to purchase.
As detailed earlier this year, Player Studio offers gamers the opportunity to design in-game items that can be sold in the marketplace. For the first time, players are able to contribute directly to their favorite participating online game while earning revenue.
A handful of selected player-created items were introduced into each of the games' marketplaces today, with more to come in the upcoming weeks and months as submitted by players.

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