《燃烧之海的海盗》:游戏另获新主 Portalus Games将接手运营

2012-12-19 4446

索尼在线娱乐(Sony Online Entertainment)宣布,游戏《燃烧之海的海盗》(《Pirates of the Burning Sea》)1月31日将正式从公司的MMO列表里离开,Portalus Games将接手游戏的运营,这是一个新的公司,是由Flying Lab Software之前的职员组成。账户和角色将会从从SOE现有账户中转入。专业玩家网-新一代游戏交易平台,游戏帐号交易,游戏代练交易,是最安全的游戏交易平台。


Sony Online Entertainment has announced that Pirates of the Burning Sea will be leaving its stable of MMOs on January 31st. PotBS will be developed and republished by Portalus Games, a new company made up of former Flying Lab Software employees. Characters will be carried over if a Portalus account is linked to the currently existing SOE account.

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