
2013-01-15 3619

CCP宣布《尘埃514》(《DUST 514》)的第三个游戏平台公测将于1月22日展开。这次公测将会在《星战前夜》(《EVE》)和《尘埃514》的游戏世界的成功合并后开展。让我们来看看开发者们时怎么说的。

“这次《尘埃514》的公测是CCP和EVE的长远计划迈出的另一步。”CCP的CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson这样说。“但是这仅仅是一个开始。我们在接下来几周对《星战前夜》的发展,包括以后几年都将会加大力度,同样,我们会把经验用到《尘埃514》里的。当然,我们也会注意在这两个游戏之间的社团的深层结合,大家敬请期待。”


CCP has announced that the Playstation 3 open beta for DUST 514 will officially commence on January 22nd. The open beta comes after the successful merger of the EVE and DUST 514 game worlds.
“The launch of the DUST 514 Open Beta is another step towards our long-term vision for CCP and EVE,” said Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP. “But this is just the beginning.  As we have done with EVE Online, in the coming weeks, and for years to come, we will continually improve upon and add to the DUST 514 experience , as well as add deeper integration between the two games and their communities.”

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