《绯红色的遗产》:游戏将于2月12日停服 会在其他游戏中赔偿玩家

2013-01-18 3392

GamesCampus宣布说游戏《绯红色的遗产》(《Scarlet Legacy》)将于2013年2月12日停服。现金商店已经关闭,GamesCampus正在寻找赔偿玩家的途径,有可能在其他游戏里以礼包的形式赔偿玩家。我们来听听开发者是怎么说的:

“这个决定我们做的非常艰难,我们很感谢那些一直以来支持我们《绯红色的遗产》游戏的玩家,特别是在我们艰难时期依然支持我们的玩家。我们希望你们可以从这个游戏中获得快乐,也希望你继续支持GamesCampus的其他游戏。”专业玩家网是集各种热门游戏 外挂,游戏工作室外挂的专业站点。


GamesCampus has announced that Scarlet Legacy will be stopping game service on February 12, 2013. The cash shop has already closed and GamesCampus is looking for ways to reimburse players with bonus packages in other games.
This was a very difficult decision for us. We would like to thank all the players who played and loved Scarlet Legacy and especially those who were with us through the difficult times. We hope you have enjoyed Scarlet Legacy and we appreciate your ongoing support for other GamesCampus games.

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