Salem:The Crafting MMO 2月28日公测视频

2013-03-01 3515

Salem:The Crafting MMO 2月28日公测

Paradox Interactive公司日前宣布Salem公测:Crafting MMO在今天-2月28日-周四推出。我们的目标是在这无情的游戏世界力安定下来,茁壮成长和生存。专业玩家比价器为您提供各款游戏比价器,让您购买到最便宜的游戏币。专业玩家网还提供暗黑破坏神3、地下城与勇士等主流游戏的实时交易行情报表供您查询!

通过较少的传统MMO结构,而不是向玩家呈现一个持续的社会高风险战斗,Paradox and Seatribe允许Salem玩家塑造自己的经验。游戏中的社会在内测时就已出现 ,它会以玩家的不同选择和行动出现不同的结果—包括一个繁华的易货贸易为基础的经济形态,治安维持会成员和暴民司法,对手定居点。公测期间随着更多新玩家的加入,Salem中的世界最终将如何变化会成为一个重要的吸引点。

Salem : Open Beta Kicks Off for Intrepid Explorers

Paradox Interactive has announced that the open beta for Salem: The Crafting MMO will launch today, Thursday, February 28th. The objective is, of course, to settle, thrive and stay alive in this unforgiving game world.

By designing Salem with less of a traditional MMO structure, and instead presenting players with a persistent community sandbox with high-stakes consequences for conflict, Paradox and Seatribe are allowing the Salem community to shape their own experiences. The in-game society that has sprung up during closed beta – including a bustling barter-based economy, vigilantes and mob justice, and rival settlements, have all happened as a result of players’ choices and actions. With the new addition of more players during open beta, it will be fascinating to discover what the community ultimately makes of the world of Salem.

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